Rev. Stephen Yeo M.Div RP

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The Rev’d Stephen Yeo MDiv RP

Certified Spiritual Care Practitioner and Supervisor-Educator (CPE)

Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care

The Rev'd Stephen Yeo joined the St. Joseph’s Health Care London Spiritual Care team in 2004. Stephen spent ten years as Spiritual Care Practitioner at Regional Mental Health Care St. Thomas and is now located at the Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care where he is also a Certified Spiritual Care Supervisor-Educator in Clinical Pastoral Education. Stephen is a Veriditas-certified Labyrinth Facilitator, a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, an Allied Scientist with Lawson Health Research Institute, and an Anglican priest.

Please email or call Rev. Stephen Yeo

519-646-6100, ext. 49350