Rev. Duke Oliogu, M.DIV, RP

Rev. Duke Oliogu, M.DIV, RP., Certified Spiritual Care Practitioner and Provisional Teaching Supervisor (CPE)

Supervised by Thomas St. James O’Connor, Th.D., Professor Emeritus, WLU, CSE, CASA

Duke Oliogu joined the Spiritual Care team at Lakeridge Health in 2017.

He works with patients, families, and staff to develop and build therapeutic rapport, regardless of the issues leading to healing and change using evidence-based treatment modalities.

In addition, as a provisional teaching supervisor, his role includes developing a curriculum for spiritual care centres at Lakeridge Health that involves building a strong supervised Psycho-Spiritual Education program to train spiritual care providers.

Duke is a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, a Certified Spiritual Care Practitioner and a Provisional Teaching Supervisor (CPE) with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care (CASC).

Duke also offers clinical supervision skills for student interns, Registered Psychotherapist-qualifying registrants and new psychotherapists to meet the requirements of graduation and professional regulatory bodies.

He is ordained with Faith Restoration Assemblies Ministries (Toronto–Canada). 

Duke has earned both a Master of Divinity degree in Clinical Counseling and an undergraduate in Religious Studies from Tyndale University and another undergraduate in Behavioural Psychology from Seneca Polytechnics (Toronto).

Duke also earned training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy for trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.

He possesses a warm authentic passion for assisting patients, families, and staff to gain insight with self-understanding, as he encourages them to build resiliency.

Duke enjoys studying, travelling, and agriculture.

Please email or call Duke Oliogu
905-576-8711, ext. 33677 or 905-213-7805 (cell).