Shawna Lucas M.Div RP

Shawna Lucas, RP
Manager, Spiritual Care Services

Shawna has been working as a Psychospiritual care provider since 1998 when she began her training at St. Michael’s Hospital. Since that time, she has focused primarily on psychotherapy as it relates to spirituality. Shawna uses emotion-focused therapy as a primary method to assist patients and students in learning about themselves. Shawna is currently focused on her Doctor of Ministry degree, where her thesis looks at suicide bereavement and its best practices.

Shawna has lived with addiction and depression and, therefore, has a keen interest in mental health and addiction.  Shawna also has an interest in Twelve Step theology as it relates to recovery from addictions as well as understanding how psychosis and spirituality can be treated.


Please email or call Shawna Lucas:
416-535-8501 x 32175